Monday, April 4, 2011


 Growing up I had a dream of becoming pediatrician. I saw my friend's mom being one and I thought to myself that it would be cool to help little kids. Once she asked me who do I want to become when I am grown up, so I shared my idea with her. She looked at me and said - "If I were you, I would think of something better, because this job is very unappreciated". And she was right - doctors in then USSR were making pennies for the job they were performing and the hours they were putting into this profession. I remember that it was very sad to hear her saying that and dropped the idea.
 It is very sad to see people not enjoying what they do professionally and when I came to United States I wasn't sure what I want to do either, first of all the choice is limitless. You can basically do anything you want, anything is possible in USA, given that you have a desire for it. I feel that the movie we saw in class was not created just because someone wanted to get some money out of it, but because it is a big problem among young and not only people to decide on what their purpose in life. I was among that people and I can still relate to them in a sense that I do not see the clear image ahead of me, but I can feel that I heading in a right direction.
 I am an accountant and I have a decent job right now, but I constantly asking myself questions - "is it something I want to do for the rest of my life?", "am I happy in what I do?". And the answers I am getting are not completely satisfactory. I am enjoying the college time, because it will take me where I want to be, I just know that, but it is not enough for the vision of my future. I almost feel myself on an interview, when a potential employer asks "where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?".
I have a friend that is 13 years older that I am, and I recently met him when he was briefly visiting US . I first met him when he was occupying a position of a regional manager for one of the top selling gum companies in Ukraine. Apparently he learned English language while studying international economy in Harvard, he created a franchising consulting company and he is trying to expend his business abroad, and at this point he is a self made millionaire. We've met for about 2 hours and we could not eat because our conversation just floated above us,destructing out meal. I shared the story of my life with him and at that time I was very preoccupied with my grades I told him that my goal is to get an A in class. He looked at me and told me that I am smart (which is always nice to hear), but I have to grow up and see beyond my small goals. He told me that I have to create something bigger and try to accomplish it no matter how big it is. At the moment I realized that I simply afraid to dream big. I am scared that my dreams are not going to come true, and that this fear is blocking me from my success. My friend also shared a little trick he does if he wants something to become reality - he creates a detailed scenario in his mind. It can be a day long, a year long or as long as you want. He said that it really works and he is enjoying the process of creation.
 When it comes to my own goals - I am still working on them, but I have some ideas on a back of my mind. The first one is - I want to create a tax consulting company for foreign investors, since I am in a field of accounting that can help me to achieve my idea. I already talking to the same friend of mine which steps we have to make in order to accomplish it. Second dream of mine is to build a house - the step for getting this one done is coming after the first goals is in WIP. There is also a desire to travel the world.
 My goal for everyday life is to keep the vision for all of the above consistent. We can watch a lot of movies and hear a lot of songs that keeps us inspired for a minute and maybe half an hour, but the hardest task is to be inspired for a life time.


  1. Your friend gave you some good ideas to think about. Don't be afraid to fail at pursuing your dreams! Often the real joy we get is in the pursuit of a dream, not just in attaining it.
    --prof K

  2. I can relate to what you wrote. Im also afraid of dreaming big because i know there is a chance to fail...We have to set a goal(dream) and do whatever it takes to accomplish it.
    Btw, your idea about a tax consulting company for foreign investors is pretty good. go for it:)

  3. I really appreciate the way immigrants view the USA. I know what its like to see professionals work and be unappreciated. This is a land of great opportunity and one of those opportunities is meeting people and making valuable friendships. I don't think you met the entrepreneur by accident, you met because you were supposed to. Maybe to inspire or educate you a bit...I hope you do dream big and accomplish your goals.

  4. I liked your post. I think that traveling the world is a great vision. So many times, people get stuck in familiar surroundings and never get to experience life on the other side. That is very important because aside from all of the things we must do, we never get to do things we want to do. Enriching your life through world travel is something you should aspire to do. Much success to you.

  5. The last sentence is the best part on your post, in my opinion. I agree with you and feel the same way. The funny part is that I have the vision of where i'm going but still ''getting tired'' on the way...Some people have big ambitions some not, and what is making your friend happy may not be so enjoyable for you. The satisfaction of going there, no matter what the vision is, should be the key factor to happiness. As long as you know where you want to be. Seems that you do : )

  6. I want to meet oyu friend and pick his brain!! Perhaps if you still want to become a pediatrician you have a much better chance of at least making good money in US. Doing something that you like and enjoy is one of the most important and fulfilling things.

  7. No doubt that your friend has give a real incentive to go for what you planed for. Don't think negative at all because your dream big. Consider the alternatives but don't let the failure aspect to enter your plan, put it aside in working for your dream and remember that you came from far away country- not for tourism- but to achieve your dream. And this should be a strong incentive to motivate you and dismisses any obstacle you may encounter. And here is what one historian said " if you want to be the way you are, stay where you are, but if you want to be somebody else come to America". Indeed you in place where you can be somebody else :))

  8. I think you are very persuasive and going to have your firm as soon as you are done with college. The vision about the firm is also similar what I am thinking about the tiny firm I have :)but as I said you are going to be successful about that.

  9. I want to thank all of you for such a cheerful comments. It is indeed very pleasant that you found something interesting in what I wrote that made you add your spirit to my blog. This is the best class so far I had in Baruch and it really made me think about my future beyond the classroom.

  10. Maryna, first if all thank you for your supportive comments of my recent blog ;). Reading your blog, I could relate my self that I also used to be afraid of "dreaming big". But as I read "The Secret", the book I mentioned in my blog, it adviced to think and dream "big" all the time, because it gives a big chance the even the "biggest" dreams come true! There for my advice to you is: don't be afraid of anything! Dream Big! And you'll see that one day soon your dreams/visions will come true!!!!
