Friday, April 22, 2011


I really enjoy any class of our activities, because it is exciting, not monotonous, and not by the book kind of thing.  That is the reason I like this class the most of my other classes, even though exams are not so easy. So the test we took was interesting as well. The questions are pretty simple - you just have to describe your personality. But how objective we are in terms of self-evaluation?
Did you ever had a moments when you mother tells you one of you character traces and you go “WHAAAAT?!?!” Or when your friend tells you – “You are so ….!” and you begin to think if this really true. I had couple of moments like that, and it is a real discovery how other people see you compared to how you see yourself.
But let come back to what I need to write about. So I am a strong SC type, which stands for “Steadiness” and “Conscientiousness”. And that is when I had my moment of “WHAAAT?’. Am I tending to perform in predictable manner, or demonstrating patience…hmmm, how do you measure patience? I can tolerate some things more or less, but I cannot call myself a strong patient person as this test showed. I also tend to flame fast and want things to be my way if I see that it will make things better. I also loose interest really fast in something that I do day after day. I have to drag myself to the gym, because I think of sports more of a game and not pulling up weights, but I just have no other time to sign up for other activities besides what I have right now and I like to stay in shape. I am absolutely conscientious but don’t go crazy on it. Thinking analytically and being diplomatic that is what I am. But I have a soft character and I am kind of missing dominance, and maybe some influence. But it also I think it depends on a situation. When I am with my boyfriend he is totally and absolutely dominant and strong character, or maybe I am the one who is giving him this power over me. But with others I am much stronger and have some partial influence on others if I am the expert of the situation. Nevertheless, I tend to make things appropriate for everyone, or I would feel selfish and disrespectful to other people wishes.
When I came to USA by myself I felt that I am little baby – I had to learn how to speak, how to understand, and how to read. I also was very shy and for some reason was afraid to look people straight in the eyes, which wasn’t helping me at all. But one day I realized that it is keeping me down and I’ve decided that I have to change and forced myself to look in the persons eyes when communicating. I also was reading out loud anything that I could lay my hands on, so I could get used to my own voice when speaking foreign language. I would dare myself to something small every time I was afraid of doing. And believe me it gave results, which I did not expect at all.
There is a Russian saying that I can prove wrong - it is impossible to teach an old dog new tricks. I think that people can develop DISC types of character with work and practice. We gain experience and expertise, we can become better or worse. We all change constantly over time throughout our lives and only we in control of it.


  1. I totally agree with when you said that you can teach an old dog new tricks. The dog just has to want to learn. Your comparison to yourself as a baby when you first arrived in the US is very interesting. You really weren't a baby because it takes a strong adult to realize that they need to change their behavior in order to become who they want to be. You should be proud that you were brave enough to challenge yourself.

  2. Being a Sc fellow I concur with your statement "Nevertheless, I tend to make things appropriate for everyone, or I would feel selfish and disrespectful to other people wishes." We do let others get the best of us but I guess being kind is part of our nature.. about teaching an old dog new tricks yes. nature can change depending on the environment people get immersed. In a tight situation we can become demanding too.

  3. I must disagree with you about us changing and becoming different over time. Yes, we gain and develope more skills, bad and good habits, life is shaping us but inner personality traits are ageless. Of course, beeing type S or C doesn't mean you are 100% as described about that type and depending on situation you would act differently - me too. Anyway, looks like you just found out something new about your personality :)

  4. I think you have different thought in terms of changing. because it is really hard to change your personality or pretending like a different person. But I agree with you about the DISC test they might improve it by the time and behaviours of people.
