Saturday, February 19, 2011

Egg-cellent planning

   I want to begin with saying "thanks" to amazing group of people I had a pleasure to share this interesting activity. It was truly an experience for me.
   At first we begin to talk about how we can create a structure that would be able to save an egg from breaking when being dropped. Each of us shared an idea of what is the best architecture would be and why it would be good. We came up with 3 main structures and argued about how we can build each of them with given materials, then tried to estimate how each of them would benefit our main goal - get the egg to the floor intact. So I guess I can check off steps 1, 2, and 3 from the list on the steps in the planning process.
   When it comes to allocation of jobs then we totally skipped that. But we still managed to do a great job and all hands were working very organized. Though we change our egg-protection along the way, because we realized that some parts of what we thought would work did seem not work at all. I felt adrenalin running through my veins and I liked it, though it made my hands a little shaky when I was applying masking tape to our creation.
   At the end we evaluated results as successful, because our egg did not break. (here comes my victory dance) - YEEEY!!!


  1. true we didn't allocate the jobs among the team members.. which made us plan individually and kill time... but it was fun that along the setup process we refined the prototype... I think we utilized the resources fairly..

  2. my team did allocate jobs. Although we didn't win i think that part was important to keep the group organized and focused and to prevent confusion. But I guess your group didn't need that because you won. Congrats!

  3. I can only learn from your experience-good job! It's nice that all of you guys laid out individual ideas how to solve the egg mystery and came up with winning plan. I think that's what I like the most in your case - clear communication and professional arguing.

  4. My congratulations to the winner! What can I comment on your group's planning? You guys managed to achieve the stated goal and kept yourselves well organized which I think was a big part of success, although you did not allocate jobs you probably had a very creative and well thought through idea which shows a high level of creativity and practical thinking. I also believe that you planning was completed and allowed you to bring your device to life even without allocating jobs. Good job.

    P.S. Thank you for a nice comment on my wall. I also would like to explain a little bit about my comment on American way of raising children. I might stated some points not clear enough but what I meant was that of cause American mothers love and adore their kids but they are not as obsessed with them. Whereas some Russian women who after giving birth to a child stop noticing anything except the child which I think is wrong and harmful for the family and the child as well.

  5. Congratulations!!! Its funny my group did not allocate jobs either. I guess with the time limitations as well as not knowing each other that well, it would have been difficult to give out positions. In the end though its irrelevant, because your group was successful. Good job!

  6. I must say your group did a good job!

  7. Congratulations to you guys! :) I think that the fact that your group really took your time to evaluate alternatives, and really analyze the 3 main structures you came up with, was the reason for your success. We didn't really have any other backup plans in case our 1 construction would not work. When we realized it would not work we just ended up taping it all into a big mess..
