Monday, May 16, 2011

Here comes the "POEM"

Here is my last blog entry for this class. I feel kind of sad, but I am so glad that I took this class - it was my best decision for this semester :).

Professor Kurpis gave us all.
The Lego class and simple blogging project.
But what we learned from all in all
Is to create our own magic.
To be decisive and evaluate
How good we are, if not the best already.
How we should manage everything in life.
He even gave desired extra credit!!
We were persistent and came to class en masse.
Sometimes were late on our blog assignments,
But all of it soon will be just a past
And now I wish it can be everlasting.
The class is over in a week or so
But we'll remember that egg protection structure
And also will remember how to trow
Those starfish as a life adventure.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sharing feels good

   It seems to me that blogging is very popular these days. My co-workers is following some fashion blogs and I thought to myself - "those people have nothing to do with their time besides blogging?". So at first I was thinking that this blog thing as a class activity was a weird idea. I have never had a blog in my life and the chances that I would ever get one were very slim.
   What should I write? What language is appropriate for the blogging? What kind of people are my classmates? Would they like to read my posts or would they not? What this will give me besides 20% of my grade? These kind of questions were rising in my mind every time there was an assignment.Nevertheless with every new blog entry my questions were answered.
   With every new entry it became more of a fun game, where you can go home and right about things that you couldn't say in class or maybe just enough time past to reevaluate your thoughts. Especially after the extra credit assignment it became a piece of a cake and did seem a a drag anymore. The fact that this is was not an every week assignment made it much more enjoyable. Plus, blogging it just so much more better then a standard, boring assignment for writing a paper - you don't have to be official and give facts, it is free thoughts expressing.
   Blogging is one of the things that made this class unforgettable for me. I have never experienced such a unique approach of teaching. It definitely helped to learn about people in this class. When there is no time limit then writing about your experiences becomes more honest and more focused.
   Will I continue to write a blog? Now I wish i could, but I don't want to give any promises. But now I understand why people keep posting about their lives, about fashion, about anything what they have in their lives - they just want to share, and sharing feels good.